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eResearch 2012

Recently TPAC attended the eResearch Australasia 2012 Conference, throughout the week TPAC had the opportunity to discuss its current facilities and projects with researchers, service providers and developers. TPAC aims to ensure its services meet the expectations of its users, and understands the importance of engaging with the research community. Thank you to everyone who …

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Research cloud and virtual laboratories – welcome to the future!

The University of Tasmania is set to play a significant role in the next-stage development of Australia’s digital research infrastructure. UTAS has been awarded two projects worth more than $2 million to establish new computing and modelling facilities that will revolutionise the capability of scientists to undertake computational studies. Through a $47 million Federal Government …

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UTAS to help underpin national storage cloud

The University of Tasmania is to play a significant role in the development of Australia’s 100-petabyte storage cloud. A $50 million Federal Government project, part of the Super Science initiatives announced in the May Budget, the Research Data Storage Infrastructure (RDSI) project is intended to transform the way in which research data collections are stored …

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